Aliyah Diary 23: The West Bank. (Shomron)
The Scary Place Little more than a mile from me is the barrier to the “West Bank”. Since I moved here, the barrier in my head has also moved: Month 0: “I’m never going...
Torah Observant Jew + Patent Attorney
The Scary Place Little more than a mile from me is the barrier to the “West Bank”. Since I moved here, the barrier in my head has also moved: Month 0: “I’m never going...
Return to Israel On a hill top near Jerusalem lives Melech, a 42 year old man, in a one-bedroom house, surrounded by desert in the only house around. Born in Miami, and now raising...
Last week I stayed up all night learning sefer Iyov, e.g. “The Book of Job” with my daughter. The general cultural understanding is “it’s not fair and there are no answers.” I’ve found at...
Redeeming Love – What is it About I love this movie. When Rotten Tomatoes says critics give this movie a 11/100 and regular people give this movie a 95/100 that’s something you have to...
A short play with too much narration – by Moshe Feigin. Narrator 1: Uriah Levy’s great-great-grandfather was the doctor to King John V of Portugal. George Washington attended the wedding of Lecy’s grandparents. Uriah...
The Best Jewish Museum I’ve Ever Seen It’s not actually a place I planned to go. I’d read about it in the news when it first opened – all bad press as I recall....
This article is written with much thanks to the Washington D.C. parks department. 9:30am – 2:00pm: At the Israeli Embassy A good part of my day was already spent at the Israeli embassy in...
Last week’s Jewish Link included very strongly worded commentaries by Jeffrey Rubin (“Regarding School Closing This Fall,” July 23, 2020) and Rabbi Wallace Greene (“The Ethics of Opening Schools,” July 23, 2020) arguing that...
Guest Post by Heather Feigin, LCSW. Populations all over the world have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are all well aware of the toll that it has taken on essential workers, the...
Judaism is about discomfort. What do I mean by that? I mean we want to avoid it’s opposite – no, not “comfort” but “complacency.” The English language sometimes trips us up as words that...