Patently Jewish


Aliyah Diary 26 Dead Sea Beer and Ice Cream - Taking Thursday and Friday Off At around diary entry 20 I thought it was time to wrap things up – things were getting more commonplace over here. A little over a month later and...
Aliyah Diary 25: Not cutting me off this time! - My favorite road sign Apologies for the low quality. I have been meaning to take a picture of this sign every time I drive to Jerusalem. For those who don’t understand the Hebrew or...
Aliyah Diary 24: Supermarkets & Highways - Fruit out of Season Shlomo HaMelech (King Solomon) was so rich that he had available to him fruit out of season. I use this as an example so show how rich we are today....
Aliyah Diary 23: The West Bank. (Shomron) - The Scary Place Little more than a mile from me is the barrier to the “West Bank”. Since I moved here, the barrier in my head has also moved: Month 0: “I’m never going...
Aliyah Diary 22: Seeing the doctor as a “Choleh” Hadash and cultural differences - Choleh (Sick) It’s been longer than usual since my last post because I’ve been a “Choleh” Hadash … a play on the term used around here for “Oleh Chadash” which is a “new immigrant”....
Aliyah Diary 21: It’s a free country?? - Security in America Entering the apartment building to get to my college housing (not depicted above) with a box of heavy books in my hand – I head gestured over to the girl to...
Aliyah Diary 20: Tel Aviv Art Museum - Introduction The time came to visit somewhere North of Ben Gurion airport for the first time since I moved to Israel. To the right of me are secular communities. To the left of me...
Aliyah Diary 19: Taxes for Americans - Introduction I’ve just passed the three month mark since making aliyah and got around to talking to / finding an accountant before the end of the year. This wasn’t my first concern … it...
Aliyah Diary 18: Language – l’at, l’at – little by little - The fall has sprung near the end of November with our first day below 70 degrees during the day. The weather since October has been beautiful; highs in the 80s with bright blue sky...


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