Aliyah Diary 11: Packages. (חבילות.)
Havilot in America Hey, I’ve been here long enough that I put a Hebrew word in the title of the diary entry. “Havilot” means “packages”. Why does that get its own diary entry? Sigh....
Torah Observant Jew + Patent Attorney
Havilot in America Hey, I’ve been here long enough that I put a Hebrew word in the title of the diary entry. “Havilot” means “packages”. Why does that get its own diary entry? Sigh....
Previous diary entries: Part 1: Preparation for departure over here.Part 2: First Few DaysPart 3: Moving InPart 4: First Day of SchoolPart 5: Two Weeks In . . .Part 6: Getting ComfortablePart 7: Ready...
Previous diary entries: Part 1: Preparation for departure over here.Part 2: First Few DaysPart 3: Moving InPart 4: First Day of SchoolPart 5: Two Weeks In . . .Part 6: Getting ComfortablePart 7: Ready...
Previous diary entries: Part 1: Preparation for departure over here.Part 2: First Few DaysPart 3: Moving InPart 4: First Day of SchoolPart 5: Two Weeks In . . .Part 6: Getting ComfortablePart 7: Ready...
Part 1: Preparation for departure over here.Part 2: First Few DaysPart 3: Moving InPart 4: First Day of SchoolPart 5: Two Weeks In . . . Part 6: Getting Comfortable Shabbos Goy Going to...
Here are the previous diary entries: Part 1: Preparation for departure over here.Part 2: First Few DaysPart 3: Moving InPart 4: First Day of SchoolPart 5: Two Weeks In . . . Cat Update...
Here are the previous diary entries: Part 1: Preparation for departure over here.Part 2: First Few DaysPart 3: Moving InPart 4: First Day of School Updates First some updates from the last blog article:...
Miss the first entries?See Part 1: Preparation for departure over here.See Part 2: First Few DaysSee Part 3: Moving In Things I Wish I Knew A lot has been going on since my last...
Miss the first entries?See Part 1: Preparation for departure over here.See Part 2: First Few Days Ode to Concrete “My Wifi signal is not great. You’ll need a mesh router with wired connection between...
Miss the first diary entry?See Part 1: Preparation for departure over here. The plane leaves today We’re finally here. The day we get on the plane. All our documents are in order – a...