Aliyah Diary 23: The West Bank. (Shomron)
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Aliyah Diary
01. Aug 19, 2024: Preparation In America
02. Aug 25, 2024: First Few Days
03. Aug 29, 2024: Moving In
Cultural Adjustment
04. Sept 4, 2024: First Day of School
05. Sept 8, 2024: Two Weeks In . . .
06. Sept 16, 2024: Getting Comfortable
07. Sept 22, 2024: Ready for Yom Tov
09. Sept 30, 2024: Nasrallahed on the Floor
15. Nov 10, 2024: Safety Fourth
18. Nov 24, 2024: Language – l’at, ‘lat
29. Jan 31, 2025: My Son Still in America
31. Feb 3, 2025: Internet Filtering for Kids
34. Feb 17, 2025: Finding Obscure Things
37. Mar 3, 2025: Technical Difficulties
The Roads
24. Jan 5, 2025: Supermarkets & Highways
25. Jan 12, 2025: Not Cutting Me Off
36. Feb 25, 2025: Road Rules of Israel
Government and Bureaucracy
10. Oct 8, 2024: Driver’s License
11. Oct 13, 2024: Packages. (חבילות.)
13. Oct 30, 2024: Bureaucracies and Stories
19. Nov 28, 2024: Taxation for Americans
22. Dec 23, 2024: Doctors & “Choleh Chadash”
27. Jan 23, 2025: Healthcare in Israel
32. Feb 5, 2025: How To Hire the Wrong Person
33. Feb 10, 2025: Quest to Pay My Taxes
Politics & Thought
12. Oct 25, 2024: October Sun and the Jew
16. Nov 17, 2024: Where People Look Like Me
17. Nov 19, 2024: Jewish Identity and Outlook
21. Dec 11, 2024: Let Freedom Ring
38. Mar 6, 2025: Talking in Quiet Peace
Travel and Trips
08. Sept 25, 2024: Jerusalem Concert
14. Nov 2, 2024: The Kindness of Strangers
20. Dec 5, 2024: Tel Aviv Art Museum
23. Dec 29, 2024: The West Bank. (Shomron)
26. Jan 18, 2025: Dead Sea Beer and Ice Cream
28. Jan 26, 2025: Yarkon River Judaism, Tel Aviv
30. Jan 31, 2025: My Son Visits and we Travel
35. Feb 20, 2025: Mitzpe Ramon Stars, Ein Avdat
The Scary Place

Little more than a mile from me is the barrier to the “West Bank”. Since I moved here, the barrier in my head has also moved:
Month 0: “I’m never going to cross that barrier – that’s scary.”
Month 1: “You live 20 minute drive past that barrier in a Jewish settlement surrounded by Arabs?!? A Molotov cocktail was once thrown?!? You crazy.”
Month 3: “Hmm … save drive time to go that way? Okay, here goes nothing … only during the day and no stops.”
Month 4: “I was invited to a Chanukah party past the barrier? At night? Well … a month ago I said I’d never drive there at night and two months ago I thought I would never drive there at all … I really want to go to the party though.”
It is as we say in America, “no big deal” anymore. The area near me, the Shomron, is very underpopulated and mountainous. The roads cut through the mountains and could be in rural New Jersey except that the pavement and lighting is perfect.

Economics and in the Best Interest of Everyone
… then you get to the community you want to go to and it’s like driving into what in America would be a gated community for the very rich with personal guards at the gate (only this one with a bigger gun than in America). It’s like … I thought you guys living here were crazy … though … land is cheaper, you have a great sense of community, and you’re in a rural area that’s just … chill. With an extra 20 minute of commute time to Jerusalem or Tel Aviv you live like a super rich person for 1/3 the price (I’m guessing). It’s just economics.

It’s also a matter of national interest. In a world where Arafat accepted the ‘peace process’ and the Palestinians had their own state and we lived side by side in security and peace, Jewish towns need not be past the barrier and if they were, they’d be respected anyway … I mean, the way any good liberal democracy is filled with citizens that live and let live. In reality, I don’t really want Hamas or other terrorist groups able to ferry missiles around and position them at me. Having Jewish towns smattered around there means there’s a constant Jewish presence observing vehicles driving on the roads which now can’t hide missile launchers so well around the fortified “forward bases” of the Jews who prevent attacks elsewhere.
That’s not fair you elitist

Is that just and fair to the Arabs living there? First, no one is taking their homes away. We’re talking about a whole lot of empty land.
Second, it’s the least bad option for Arabs as well because they too live in more peace and security than they’d have otherwise and have a better standard of living, on average, than Arabs in any Arab majority country … though Israeli-Arabs have it best in the world. The women are also all our pharmacists, it seems. <shrug>
It’s not politically correct to advocate for social stratification and talk down to others – agreed. It’s not okay. The problem is that it’s the best of a bad situation and far better for them than the alternative … where the authoritarian Palestinian Authority were even stronger and were paying even more terrorists “compensation” for time in Israeli jails. Worse, according to polls, the Palestinians would vote for Hamas takes over and turns it into another Gaza which is precisely why the Palestinian Authority won’t hold elections and the situation is best as it is.
There’s a reason Israeli-Arabs in the Galilee don’t want to be part of Palestine in any land swap based peace treaty.
Finally, stopped at a security checkpoint

After leaving the party and crossing back into Israel proper – finally! A security guard stops me for the first time on the road! I’m not that special because they stop everyone there. Still, finally I could have my chance to feel special in front of the authorities, said no black person ever.
I get the, “slow down” signal at the security barrier (basically, toll booths without tolls when you come into Israel proper) and stop with a big smile. The security guard says, “ma koreh?” What’s happening? I give him a big hearty, “Shalom!” and without even a pause he waves me forward and says I’m clearly not a security threat. Sigh.
In Conclusion . . .

Do I think there should be separate courts for Israeli citizens and non-Israeli citizens living side by side? No. Same judicial system should apply to everyone.
Do I think Jewish settlements should be built everywhere in the West Bank? No. … in Rammalah, the capital for the Arabs, I don’t think the city should be surrounded / hemmed in by Jewish settlements. Yeah, I don’t believe in “self-determination” for people who have a knack for choosing authoritarian rulers who are more interested in hurting me than having running water – I also don’t think we need to antagonize. However, take Hebron as an example: Jews lived there for hundreds of years until Arab pograms in 1926 killed dozens and forced the rest to leave for Jerusalem. These Jews had nothing to do with the modern Zionist politics. Even until that time Jews weren’t allowed to go more than seven steps up to the burial place of our patriarchs. It’s one of the few “we know for sure” validated sites of antiquity so sure, Jews should buy property there without restriction and live there.
We can go on and on discussing particulars of location after location … the driving factor, larger than political or religious views – which gets a handful of Jews moving here or there – is economics. Also, when Hamas, Hezbelloh, Iran, and the Houtis are attacking … guess where they don’t aim? – they don’t aim for the “West Bank”. (Sometimes they miss. Iran’s kill ratio in Syria was 200 dead per missile. In Israel it was 200 missiles to kill one Palestinian in Jericho.)
Seems if you want a high standard of living and a safe place to live, the “West Bank” has become very attractive.
Aliyah Diary
01. Aug 19, 2024: Preparation In America
02. Aug 25, 2024: First Few Days
03. Aug 29, 2024: Moving In
Cultural Adjustment
04. Sept 4, 2024: First Day of School
05. Sept 8, 2024: Two Weeks In . . .
06. Sept 16, 2024: Getting Comfortable
07. Sept 22, 2024: Ready for Yom Tov
09. Sept 30, 2024: Nasrallahed on the Floor
15. Nov 10, 2024: Safety Fourth
18. Nov 24, 2024: Language – l’at, ‘lat
29. Jan 31, 2025: My Son Still in America
31. Feb 3, 2025: Internet Filtering for Kids
34. Feb 17, 2025: Finding Obscure Things
37. Mar 3, 2025: Technical Difficulties
The Roads
24. Jan 5, 2025: Supermarkets & Highways
25. Jan 12, 2025: Not Cutting Me Off
36. Feb 25, 2025: Road Rules of Israel
Government and Bureaucracy
10. Oct 8, 2024: Driver’s License
11. Oct 13, 2024: Packages. (חבילות.)
13. Oct 30, 2024: Bureaucracies and Stories
19. Nov 28, 2024: Taxation for Americans
22. Dec 23, 2024: Doctors & “Choleh Chadash”
27. Jan 23, 2025: Healthcare in Israel
32. Feb 5, 2025: How To Hire the Wrong Person
33. Feb 10, 2025: Quest to Pay My Taxes
Politics & Thought
12. Oct 25, 2024: October Sun and the Jew
16. Nov 17, 2024: Where People Look Like Me
17. Nov 19, 2024: Jewish Identity and Outlook
21. Dec 11, 2024: Let Freedom Ring
38. Mar 6, 2025: Talking in Quiet Peace
Travel and Trips
08. Sept 25, 2024: Jerusalem Concert
14. Nov 2, 2024: The Kindness of Strangers
20. Dec 5, 2024: Tel Aviv Art Museum
23. Dec 29, 2024: The West Bank. (Shomron)
26. Jan 18, 2025: Dead Sea Beer and Ice Cream
28. Jan 26, 2025: Yarkon River Judaism, Tel Aviv
30. Jan 31, 2025: My Son Visits and we Travel
35. Feb 20, 2025: Mitzpe Ramon Stars, Ein Avdat
It appears that being a new Oleh you still have a lot of PTSD to go through before you understand there is no coexistence with Arabs, and there is no such thing as you do not believe in antagonzing them…. You are bringing Western values to the Middle East….. The mere fact we tolerate them in their eyes makes them sharpen their knives…. They only tolerate us because they are not yet strong enough for takeover, like Lebanon…. So you talk about Ramallah and Yehuda and Shomron as if the presence of even one Arab is fine so long as you do not antagonize them and they do not antagonize us…. It is clear you are new to Israel…. They must all be deported as the Arab pharmacist is a weapon as much as a knife and punk 17 year old who just got psyched up in mosque to kill Jews…. You are a newcomer here it is better to give yourself time to see the Arabs clearer, they must all be thrown out, Israel belongs to us, and not them and until you stand up and throw them out they will be gunning for you me and everyone of us, Nuchba style….
What you say is true about some Arabs – probably even the majority in Yeudah and the Shomron and for sure in Gaza. However …
We have co-existence with Israeli-Arabs.
We have a cold peace with Egypt, Jordan, and Sudan.
We have a warm peace with the UAE, Oman, and Bahrain and somewhere in there, Morocco.
We have an under the table peace with Saudi Arabia.
Not every Arab is a terrorist – even in Lebanon there are politicians who talk of peace with Israel.
I smile at the Arab pharmacist, by the way. She’s a very nice lady and very helpful.
You are showing again you have been absent the last one hundred years out of Israel…. In Tzfat friendly Arab neighbors butcher them in 1929 and it was of no use the smiles at the pharmacy…. You have no.experience in Israel and are talking from your smile at the pharmacy…. You missed the riots in Lod and Ramie where your “mostly friendly” Arabs carried out pogroms in the streets…. They are Israeli Arabs…. You missed the parades in Haifa in support of terrorists and the Frankestinian cause, and the terror of the residents there that their peaceful coexistence was shattered…. Countless Jews were gunned down by “Israeli Arabs”, but you and the coexistence camp are really dangerous in Israel…. If you are Torah observant there is no room for Arabs in Israel, and it seems to me you are also not acquainted with the laws of Ger Toshav either because coexistence is an anti Torah concept, certainly supported by the Hertzl Zionists (who baptized his own children to solve the “Jewish problem”)…. Unfortunately when Americans or any Jews similar as yourself come here with their Western naivety and have yet to experience terror up close, they damage the rest of us who know what living with Arabs are…. In Arab Israeli TV they are bombarded with hate, in the universities in Israel Arabs are Frankestinians and have made that identity clear…. Coexistence is extremely destructive, but first you have to actually follow what is happening in Israel for a longer time to erase your Western ideas that are very very dangerous here…. You literally could be killing Jews with that attitude of coexistence, follow up Israeli Arabs, how many of them join Daesh (ISIS) many of those harmless females post support for Hamas (while serving as a daycare assistant!)…. You simply are without even the slightest concept of who they are, and its very very dangerous until you drop the Western naivety, for all of us… The examples are many, in 2016 New Years Day (lmisparam) a “peaceful” Israeli Bedoin Arab took his fathers gun and shot up the Jews on Dizengoff street, shortly after going to a fruit and vegetable store….. Peaceful coexistence….yes but it was not YOU in that terror attack, and it was not YOU or someone in your close family that was attacked…. Many many attacks are committed by so called Israeli Arabs and they are consistently joining Arabs and you missed the non PA Arabs at the beginning of the war hold rallies holding M16’s pledging to commit terror across Yerushalayim, and simply avoided the emotion.of terror for YOUR daughter down.the road.from these monsters because it.has yet to hit you emotionally…. we are BROTHERS, the attacks have to be seen against YOUR family and it is precisely the “peaceful” Arabs that give cover to the active terrorists, and for safety alone without Torah considered they ALL must go…. With Torah and our tradition look no.further than Sarah Imeinu, who had Avraham throw out Yishmael and Hagar, the “peaceful” mother with him, and Avraham, one of the greatest Naviim and our forefather, was dead wrong on Yishmael, because his emotions of chesed got in.the way of reality…. Listen to Sarah, she knew better and G-d corrected Avraham and told him to throw out Yishmael….. This is our tradition…